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Token Discovery

The crypto key token name <NAME> indicates the name of the token to be searched in the token sources. By default, it is set to jwt_access_token and access_token.

The set token sources configures where the plugin looks for an authorization token. By default, it looks in Authorization header, cookies, and query parameters. The way to change the order of the lookup or to limit the search to a specific sources is using the following Caddyfile directive.

Limits the search of JWT tokens in cookies only.

security {
authorization policy mypolicy {
set token sources cookie

Limits the search of JWT tokens cookies and query parameters.

security {
authorization policy mypolicy {
set token sources cookie query

Reorders the default priority of the search of JWT tokens from "cookie", "header", "query" to "header", "query", and "cookie".

security {
authorization policy mypolicy {
set token sources header query cookie

Further, the following Caddyfile directive instructs the plugin to search for Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN> header and authorize the found token:

security {
authorization policy mypolicy {
validate bearer header

Test it with the following curl command:

curl --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN" -v https://localhost:8443/myapp