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LDAP Authentication Architecture

The plugin does not keep connections open to LDAP servers. The plugin tears a connection down each time it finishes authenticating a request associated with the connection.

First, the plugin uses username and password to bind to an LDAP server. The purpose of the connection is searching for user objects in the server's directory.

The plugin takes the username provided in a request. Next, the plugin substitutes %s with the username in its search filter, i.e. (&(|(sAMAccountName=%s)(mail=%s))(objectclass=user)).

The plugin initiates a search for a user object in the scope provided via search_base_dn, e.g. DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM.

If the number of objects in the result of the search is not 1, then authentication fails.

Typically, the response would have the following structure:

"DN": "CN=Smith\\, John,OU=Users,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
"Attributes": [
"Name": "sn",
"Values": [
"Name": "givenName",
"Values": [
"Name": "memberOf",
"Values": [
"Name": "sAMAccountName",
"Values": [
"Name": "mail",
"Values": [

The plugin iterates over memberOf attribute and compares the values to its group mapping:

              "groups": [
"dn": "CN=Admins,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
"roles": [
"dn": "CN=Editors,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
"roles": [
"dn": "CN=Viewers,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM",
"roles": [

If there are no matches, the authentication fails.

Once the plugin determines the user's roles, e.g. admin, editor, viewer, the plugin actually checks whether the user's password is valid.

It does so by doing LDAP re-binding with the user's DN and the password provided in the request. In this example, the user's DN is CN=Smith\\, John,OU=Users,DC=CONTOSO,DC=COM.

If the re-binding is successful, the plugin issues a JWT token.