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Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory supports Office 365 Applications.

Azure AD SAML Configuration​

The Azure SAML identity provider configuration:

      saml identity provider azure {
realm azure
driver azure
idp_metadata_location /etc/gatekeeper/auth/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml
idp_sign_cert_location /etc/gatekeeper/auth/idp/azure_ad_app_signing_cert.pem
tenant_id "1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51"
application_id "623cae7c-e6b2-43c5-853c-2059c9b2cb58"
application_name "My Gatekeeper"
entity_id "urn:caddy:mygatekeeper"
acs_url https://mygatekeeper/auth/saml/azure
acs_url https://mygatekeeper.local/auth/saml/azure
acs_url https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

The plugin supports the following parameters for Azure Active Directory (Office 365) applications:

Parameter NameDescription
idp_metadata_locationThe url or path to Azure IdP Metadata
idp_sign_cert_locationThe path to Azure IdP Signing Certificate
tenant_idAzure Tenant ID
application_idAzure Application ID
application_nameAzure Application Name
entity_idAzure Application Identifier (Entity ID)
acs_urlAssertion Consumer Service URLs

Use the acs_url directive to list all URLs the users of the application can reach it at. One URL per line:

  acs_url https://mygatekeeper/auth/saml/azure
acs_url https://mygatekeeper.local/auth/saml/azure
acs_url https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

Set Up Azure AD Application​

In Azure AD, you will have an application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper".

The application is a Caddy web server running on port 3443 on localhost. This example meant to emphasize that the authorization is asynchronious. That is when a user clicks on "My Gatekeeper" icon in Office 365, the browser takes the user to a sign in page at URL https://localhost:3443/saml.

Azure AD App Registration - Overview

The Application Identifiers are as follows:

  • Application (client) ID: 623cae7c-e6b2-43c5-853c-2059c9b2cb58
  • Directory (tenant) ID: 1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51
  • Object ID: 515d2e8b-7548-413f-abee-a23ece1ea576

The "Branding" page configures "Home Page URL".

Azure AD App Registration - Branding

For demostration purposes, we will create the following "Roles" in the application:

Azure Role NameRole Name in SAML Assertion

Use "Manifest" tab to add roles in the manifest via appRoles key:

Azure AD App Registration - Manifest - User Roles

"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Administrator",
"displayName": "Administrator",
"id": "91287df2-7028-4d5f-b5ae-5d489ba217dd",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "AzureAD_Administrator"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Editor",
"displayName": "Editor",
"id": "d482d827-1757-4f60-9bea-021c10037674",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "AzureAD_Editor"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Viewer",
"displayName": "Viewer",
"id": "c69f7abd-0a88-401e-b515-92d74b6fff2f",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": "AzureAD_Viewer"

After, we added the roles, we could assign any of the roles to a user:

Azure AD App - Users and Groups - Add User

The app is now available to the provisioned users in Office 365:

Office 365 - Access Application

Configure SAML Authentication​

Go to "Enterprise Application" and browse to "My Gatekeeper" application.

There, click "Single Sign-On" and select "SAML" as the authentication method.

Azure AD App - Enable SAML

Next, in the "Set up Single Sign-On with SAML", provide the following "Basic SAML Configuration":

  • Identifier (Entity ID): urn:caddy:mygatekeeper
  • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure

Azure AD App - Basic SAML Configuration

Under "User Attributes & Claims", add the following claims to the list of default claims:

NamespaceClaim nameValue

Azure AD App - User Attributes and Claims

Next, record the following:

  • App Federation Metadata Url
  • Login URL

Further, download:

  • Federation Metadata XML
  • Certificate (Base64 and Raw)

Azure AD App - SAML Signing Certificate

Azure AD IdP Metadata and Certificate​

The following command downloads IdP metadata file for Azure AD Tenant with ID 1b9e886b-8ff2-4378-b6c8-6771259a5f51. Please note the xmllint utility is a part of libxml2 library.

mkdir -p /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/
curl -s -L -o /tmp/federationmetadata.xml
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/
cat /tmp/federationmetadata.xml | xmllint --format - | sudo tee /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml

The /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_metadata.xml contains IdP metadata. This file contains the data necessary to verify the SAML claims received by this service and signed by Azure AD. The idp_metadata argument is being used to pass the location of IdP metadata.

Next, download the "Certificate (Base64)" and store it in /etc/gatekeeper/auth/saml/idp/azure_ad_app_signing_cert.pem.

User Interface Options​

First option is a login button on the login server web page. Once Azure AD has been enabled, the /auth/saml/azure page will have "Sign in with Office 365" button

Azure AD App - Login with Azure Button

Second option is Office 365 applications. When a user click on the application's icon in Office 365, the user gets redirected to the web server by Office 365.

Office 365 - Access Application

The URL is https://localhost:3443/auth/saml/azure.

Development Notes​

The below are the headers of the redirected POST request that the user's browser makes upon clicking "My Gatekeeper" application:

Method: POST
URL: /auth/saml/azure
Protocol: HTTP/2.0
Host: localhost:3443
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Content-Length: 7561
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

The above redirect contains in the request's Referer header. It is the trigger to perform SAML-based authorization.