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Google Identity Platform


The Caddyfile snippet for Google OAuth 2.0 OpenID identity provider is as follows.

The following Caddyfile allows Google-based authentication.

First, create new application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper".

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - New Application

After the creation of the app, you will land on Credentials page.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Credentials

Click "Configure Consent Screen" and select an appropriate option, e.g. "External".

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Next, provide the name for the application, e.g. "My Gatekeeper" and select appropriate support email.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen Configuration

After configuring the consent screen you will see the following.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen Verification

Next, browse to "Credentials" and click "Create Credentials". Then, choose "OAuth client ID":

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - New Credentials

First, choose the type of credentials:

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Next, provide Redirect URL:

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen

Login redirect URIs:

  • https://localhost:8443/auth/oauth2/google/authorization-code-callback

Finally, you will get a confirmation. Store the Client ID and Client Secret securely.

Google Identity Platform - Identity Platform - Consent Screen