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To register an OAuth2 application for login with Microsoft accounts (either personal, i.e. Live or Xbox accounts, or enterprise, i.e. AzureAD accounts), you can follow the documentation at

In summary, you open the Azure Active Directory section on and navigate to App registrations.

Azure Active Directory - App registrations

There you select New registration and enter your application's name, your choice of supported account types and the the redirect URI


Azure Active Directory - App registrations - New application

As soon as the application registration was successfully created, you can note down its Application (client) ID listed in the Essentials section at the top.

Azure Active Directory - App registrations - My Application

Finally, you need to generate a client secret to authenticate. In the sidebar, navigate to Certificates and secrets and click on New client secret.

Azure Active Directory - App registrations - My Application - Certificates and secrets

After the secret was successfully created, copy its value (you won't be able to retrieve it again!).

Azure Active Directory - App registrations - My Application - Client secret

You now have all the necessary information to use the identity provider in your Caddyfile:

        oauth identity provider azure {
realm azure
driver azure
client_id 840e455a-69af-47bb-b033-b3a316f1aff0
client_secret MnE~D8G5Dh_gWRq_jc3uJ8Q8wjBqBv.N3r
scopes openid email profile

If you chose Accounts in this organizational directory only as the account type, you additionally need to add the line

          tenant_id <your tenant ID>

where the tenant ID can either be the actual Directory ID, or its friendly name <something>